Pulse Payback: Clare's day as a Dementia Friend!

Does your company make you feel PROUD? Well today mine did!

Here at Pulse Agency we are always talking about ways in which we can give back and as a result our director Irene has introduced Pulse Payback! 

Pulse Payback is a chance for each member of our team to spend time doing something charitable & our amazing Irene has authorised a days leave for each of us to get out and about and give back throughout the year. 

We as a team are so lucky both professionally and personally and often given amazing opportunities which we are so grateful for. We also realise that not everyone is this fortunate. 

I have decided to make use of this fantastic opportunity by using my time to help those suffering with one of the most horrendous illnesses I have ever come across : DEMENTIA.

My lovely Dad has unfortunately been suffering from the horrendous disease dementia for over 8 years now. Over those 8 years I have watched him waste away in front of my eyes :(

There is much to learn about how to treat dementia patients & I believe that a more holistic approach is the way forward: less medication, more person centred care, more music, more memory clinics and more workshops. I also believe there is a need for more research into the impact a healthy diet can have on the brain and there is definitely a need for more support for the carers.  The more research and support provided for the carers, ultimately the more love to be shown! 

Kindness costs nothing and often it's the small things that matter. Sometimes with sufferers, simply stroking their hand can calm and soothe them. 

Dementia is one of those illnesses that everyone shy’s away from, people don't like to talk about and don’t have a good understanding of. It's a tough and upsetting illness & when Irene first mentioned Pulse Payback I knew instantly that spending my day as a Dementia Friend was how I wanted to give back. 

I am PROUD to become a dementia friend and PROUD to work for Pulse! How does your company make you feel proud?

Keep an eye out for more Pulse Payback posts over the next few months.


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